About Manifest.AR

ManifestAR is an international artists’ collective working with emergent forms of augmented reality as interventionist public art. The group sees this medium as a way of transforming public space and institutions by installing virtual objects, which respond to and overlay the configuration of located physical meaning. Utilizing this technology as artwork is an entirely new proposition and explores all that we know and experience as the mixture of the real and the hyper-real. Physically, nothing changes, the audience can simply download and launch an Augmented Reality Browser app on their iPhone or Android and aim the devices’ camera to view the world around them. The application uses geolocation, marker tracking and image recognition software to superimpose computer generated three-dimensional art objects, enabling the public to see the work integrated into the physical location as if it existed in the real world.

The Manifest.AR collective and individual members have produced projects, exhibitions and interventions worldwide, including in New York, Venice, Istanbul, Beijing, Cairo, Copenhagen, Tokyo and Berlin. As reported in the New York Times, “The Museum of Modern Art was the site of another Layar exhibition. The Conflux Festival in New York held a show in October, using Layar on smartphones to display art in the museum’s galleries without first asking the museum. Ms. Burnette, the museum’s digital media director, was unfazed by this new use. “That’s something we were really excited to see,” she said. “For us, it means that they care about the museum enough to participate actively in it.”

5 Responses to “About Manifest.AR”

  1. ‘Southeast Flies the Peacock’ participating Mobile Art exhibition during College Arts Association Annual Meeting LA 2012 « Land of Illusion: Chinese Society & Culture in New Media Art 太虚幻境 Says:

    […] About ManifestAR […]

  2. About Manifest.AR « Manifest.AR | Augmented reality AR archive Says:

    […] via About Manifest.AR « Manifest.AR. […]

  3. Physiological Computing : Manifest.AR Show and Tell Says:

    […] the past two weeks me and Steve have been working with Manifest.AR, a collective of AR artists, on an exhibit to be shown at FACT in February 2013. The exhibit has […]

  4. paolo manzelli Says:


    AUGMENTEDREALITY : Q.AR.te Project idea .

    Conferenza progetto , c/o Provincia di Firenze 14 / DIC/2012 c/o Sala LUCA GIORDANO

    Vedi premessa e motivazioni in : http://dabpensiero.wordpress.com/

    La conferenza sara basata su la valorizzazione della Iniziativa di Quantum Art 2012 lanciata nel Dic dello scorso anno via internet gtra gli artisti della Quantum Art nel mondo, per definire artisticamente una bandiera simbolo internazionale per il rinnovamento della Eco-Economia.

    Vedi : http://dabpensiero.wordpress.com/2012/06/20/flag-green-economy/

    Inoltre la Conferenza di Firenze 2012 vorra essere la premessa di politiche economico- sociali innovative capaci di arricchire la realta (AR= Augmented Reality) con modelli e competenze che vedono nell’arte quantistica un nuova modalita di interazione tra cultura artistica nell’ epoca quantistica contemporanea e lo sviluppo della innovazione della impresa, nel quadro di una compessa strategia di riconversione (pubblico-privata) in cui cresca la coscienza della necessita di globalizzazione di moderni criteri di sviluppo della eco-economia.

    Media Partner : http://www.idea-arte.it/;

    Director of EGO-CreaNet//IUF – University of Florence
    POLO SCIENTIFICO 50019 -SESTO F.no- 50019 Firenze- Via madonna del Piano,06
    -room: D.1.32: Phone: +39/055-4574662 Fax: +39/055-4574639
    c/o BUSINESS INCUBATOR-University/Industry
    Mobile: +39/335-6760004
    E-mail: EGOCREANET2012@gmail.com

  5. #askacurator : Samek Art Gallery Says:

    […] kind of medium, such is the case with artist collaboratives such as Raqs Media Collective and MANIFEST.AR with whom we are currently […]

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